Largest 30 minute chair-based exercise class

Largest 30 minute chair-based exercise class

Musculoskeletal Health Australia conducted the largest 30 minute chair-based exercise class with 308 excited participants at Rippon Lea Estate, Elsternwick, Victoria and online Australia wide by Virtual Link on October the 31st, 2024.

Jade Rowarth, Chair of the Board MHA, pictured holding the certificate with Helen Taylor, TABOR co-founder, said "this was a good first stepping stone setting the Australian record and in 2025 Musculoskeletal Health Australia (MHA) would like to build the momentum and break the world record".

Special thanks to the generous support of major sponsor epijoint! MHA also thanks the City of Glen Eira, Peninsula Hot Springs, Pfizer and corporate supporter Zea in enabling this outstanding effort to happen.  

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